Royal Blue Eyes
Sacred Birman Cats Cattery
The history of the Sacred Birman cats is full of legends and adventures.

Legend has it that the sapphire blue colour of the eyes and white gloves on the paws of the Sacred Burma cats were given by their ancestor, the cat Sinh, who inspired the monks of the Lao Tsun temple to fight back the robbers who were about to plunder the temple. As a reward for the feat, Sinh's eyes changed their colour to sapphire, like those of the statue of the temple goddess Tsun-Kyan-Kse, and in recognition of his devotion and love for the deceased master, the tips of his paws turned white, like the gray hairs of the lama of the Mun Ha temple, who defended to the last shrines.
After this miraculous event, all the cats of the temple acquired the same colour as Sinh, and people began to call their amazing eyes the "eye of heaven."

In 1910, billionaire Vanderbilt purchased two cats from the temple and took them to Paris. The cat Madelpur died on a sea voyage, and the cat Sita managed to give birth to a kitten from him. The owner of a kitten named Pupe de Madelpur and the first breeder of Burmese cats was Madame Bodon.

The breed was officially named Sacred Birman in 1950.
Currently, the Sacred Burman breed is recognized by all felinological systems of the world and has a strong standard.

These are the bottomless eyes of the Sacred Birman cat.
Eyes of the royal blue colour stand out against a dark brown mask of the cat Amelia Allegro Cats (Royal Blue Eyes cattery)

About the cattery

The BLUE EYES cattery is registered on the 10th of December, Year 2021, in the PCA system (Professional Cat Assembly Pedigrees of the Russian sample according to the metric are ordered by the new owner, the kittens have a "BLUE EYES" prefix to their name by the name of the cattery.

BLUE EYES cattery has ROYAL BLUE EYES representation in the Russian Felinological Society Pedigrees of international standard are ordered by the breeder, kittens have a "ROYAL BLUE EYES" prefix to their name by the name of the cattery.

In our cattery cats are our friends and family members. They live home together with us.
Kittens - our graduates - receive a dowry when leaving for a new home.

Reasons to choose the Sacred Birman cats

1) unique appearance makes you fall in love with it from the first look:
soft silky coat of the body that has the colour of creamy ice cream,
point (mask) colour of the muzzle, paws and tail, which have different shades - dark brown to lilac, white gloves on the paws and amazing, deep sapphire eyes immediately attract attention. Look into the eyes of Sacred Burma and you will find Zen energy, wisdom of the Universe, calmness and understanding in them.
2) pleasant character:
Comunicating with Birman cats always gives you positive emotions, joy and happiness. These cats will conquer you with their friendliness and loyalty. They are very gentle, love to play, sociable, but not overly. Be prepared that your Birman cat will begin to repeat some movements after you. Birman cats are devoid of aggression, have an easygoing character and are truly attached to their owner. With them you will never be alone and at the same time you will have your own personal space. These features make having a Birman cat in the family pleasant and comfortable.
3) easy maintenance:
Due to the structure of the outer coat and the absence of a thick undercoat, it is enough to comb out the Birman cat once a week.


There are two females and one stud male in our cattery. You can read more about them in the descriptions bellow.

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Ginger is a wonderful, gentle cat of a rare colour red-point (she has red points). She was born on the 12th of November, 2020, to titled parents: Interchampion Alfred Epsilon Oriona (red-point colour) and Interchampion Gloria Belye Lapki (seal tortie point colour). Ginger is an active participant in specialized exhibitions, has the title of Interchampion of breed and has won several contests, for example "The strongest" contest of summer tournament of Russian Felinological Society 23.07.2022 (1st place), the "Triumph" contest 27.11.2022 (3rd place). Ginger has an excellent phenotype - a beautiful head, cornflower blue eyes, excellent body proportions and a wonderful character. This is an affectionate, delicate, absolutely tame cat, our favorite.

Ginger Epsilon Oriona
Амелия - яркая представительница окраса сил-пойнт (тёмно-коричневые, почти чёрные отметины). Прирождённый лидер по натуре, заводила в кошачьих играх. В то же время прекрасно чувствует настроение членов семьи, если кто-то расстроен, подойдёт, приласкается. Любит посидеть на ручках, помурлыкать.

Амелия родилась 10.06.2021 г. у титулованных родителей: она - достойная представительница красной линии Интерчемпиона Леонард Вайт Павс (окрас сил-пойнт) и Чемпиона породы Абби Вива Виктория (окрас сил-пойнт). Амелия сразу проявила себя как котёнок с задатками топ шоу-класса: на своей первой выставке 23-24.10.2021 г. она получила 3 оценки 'Отлично 1, BIS', а также стала Победителем выставки в классе котят (1 место). Сейчас Амелия - обладательница титула Интерчемпион породы, имеет победы в конкурсах, например, осенью 2022 г. Амелия завоевала кубок Диковинка и заняла 3-е место в конкурсе "Сокровища фелинологии".

Want a kitten like this? Contact us!

Амелия Аллегро Кэтс

Want a kitten like this?

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Элион - маленький лев нашего питомника, хозяин прайда. Элион - кот окраса блю-пойнт (серо-голубые отметины) с прекрасным фенотипом и итальянскими корнями. Его родители: очень известный кот Есенин Белые Лапки (окрас блю табби пойнт) и кошка Даниэль Белые Лапки (окрас блю торти пойнт). Дедушка и бабушка нашего котика - итальянцы Интерчемпион IT*Albafeles Elfio (окрас блю понт) и Интерчемпион IT* Myrabirmans Venere II. Элион родился 20 мая 2022 года и уже активно участвует в выставках. На первой выставке 23.10.2022 г. он получил 3 оценки 'Отлично 1, BIS' и был номинирован в Best of Show наряду со взрослыми животными. Элион имеет титул "Победитель в классе котят" 25-й выставки кошек системы Professional Cat Assembly.
На Конкурсном марафоне 27 ноября 2022 г. Элион стал победителем кубка "Мой ангел"

Элион Belye Lapky'RU
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Вопросы и ответы
Phone: +7-915-456-11-72
Our adress:
г. Москва, ул. Маршала Катукова, д.12, корп.1

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